Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by Two peer reviewers selected from the Board’s database of expert reviewers. Following review, the Editorial Board will decide whether the manuscript will be 1) acceptance, 2) minor revision, 3) major revision, or 4) rejection. For manuscripts which are either accepted for publication following revision or subject to major revision, the corresponding author must resubmit the revised manuscript online. The revised manuscript should have the changes highlighted by using the Track Changes tool in Microsoft Office Word. In addition, the corresponding author must reply to both reviewers’ comments point by point, and explain in detail what changes were made in the manuscript. When considered necessary, the Editorial Board may make changes to the structure and phrases of the manuscript without compromising the integrity of the original paper. After completion of the peer review process, the Editorial Board will determine acceptance for publication and notify the corresponding author by e-mail. Manuscripts which do not comply with the present guidelines will be notified for correction or withheld from publication. When a manuscript is not resubmitted within 2 months of notification, it will be considered that the authors have withdrawn the manuscript from submission. Manuscripts accepted for publication are generally published in order of submission, depending on the category of the manuscript and the date of acceptance for publication
Sangchul Yun, M.D., Ph.D. and Mi-Ok Hwang, RVT
Ann Phlebology 2023; 21(2): 85-89Sangchul Yun, M.D., Ph.D., Mi-Ok Hwang, RVT
Ann Phlebology 2024; 22(1): 9-13+82-2-540-5597