Korean J Phlebology 2018; 16(2): 35-38
Published online November 30, 2018
© Annals of phlebology
인제대학교 서울백병원 혈관이식외과
Correspondence to : 오행진, 서울시 중구 마른내로 9 _12926; 04551, 인제대학교 서울백병원 혈관이식외과
The guideline directs unreasonable medical treatment in an appropriate direction. Therefore, developed countries and leading academic societies are leading the development and dissemination of various medical guidelines. The Guideline for Varicose Vein Care in the Korean Society of Phlebology developed in 2012 will need to be revised and it will be good to accommodate the various advantages of current guidelines.
Keywords Venous insufficiency, Varicose veins, Guideline, Varicose ulcer, Treatment
Korean J Phlebology 2018; 16(2): 35-38
Published online November 30, 2018
Copyright © Annals of phlebology.
인제대학교 서울백병원 혈관이식외과
HaengJin OHE
Correspondence to:오행진, 서울시 중구 마른내로 9 _12926; 04551, 인제대학교 서울백병원 혈관이식외과
The guideline directs unreasonable medical treatment in an appropriate direction. Therefore, developed countries and leading academic societies are leading the development and dissemination of various medical guidelines. The Guideline for Varicose Vein Care in the Korean Society of Phlebology developed in 2012 will need to be revised and it will be good to accommodate the various advantages of current guidelines.
Keywords: Venous insufficiency, Varicose veins, Guideline, Varicose ulcer, Treatment
Sangchul Yun, M.D., Ph.D.
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