Original Article

J Korean Soc Phlebol 2009; 8(1): 1-4

Published online April 1, 2009

© Annals of phlebology

하지 정맥류 수술 후 복재-대퇴정맥 접합부 주위의 분지정맥의 변화


대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 외과학교실1, 혈관외과학교실2

The Changes of Sapheno-femoral Confluence after Great Saphenous Vein Stripping to Treat Varicose Vein

Yoon Sung Joo, M.D.1 and Ki Hyuk Park, M.D.2

Departments of 1Surgery and 2Vascular Surgery, School of Medicine, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu, Korea

Correspondence to : Yoon Sung Joo


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to know the changes of sapheno-femoral confluence after great saphenous vein stripping to treat varicose vein.
Method: From June 2007 to April 2008, 117 patients underwent clinical review, preoperative duplex scan and saphenofemoral ligation with great saphenous vein (GSV) stripping to treat varicose vein. We checked the size, reflux and neovascularization by duplex scan at 1 month to 12 months postoperatively (mean time: 223.88±120.99 days).
Result: A cumulative total of 33 saphenofemoral confluences (28 patients, women: 19 patients) were studied. There were no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative saphenofemoral confluences in duplex scan (for example: the size of femoral vein, saphenous vein and sapheno- femoral junction). In preoperative duplex scan, there were 21 reflux positive tributaries. After operation (high ligation and GSV stripping), there were 4 reflux positive tributaries.
Conclusion: There was no change in size of saphenofemoral confluences. There was no evidence of recurrence in reflux tests. We could find neovascularization at sapheno-femoral confluence. But there was no recurrent varicose vein. To know the relation of recurrence with neovascularization, further studies are needed. (J Korean Soc Phlebol 2009;8: 1-4)

Keywords Varicose vein, Recurrence, Duplex scan

Original Article

J Korean Soc Phlebol 2009; 8(1): 1-4

Published online April 1, 2009

Copyright © Annals of phlebology.

하지 정맥류 수술 후 복재-대퇴정맥 접합부 주위의 분지정맥의 변화


대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학 외과학교실1, 혈관외과학교실2

The Changes of Sapheno-femoral Confluence after Great Saphenous Vein Stripping to Treat Varicose Vein

Yoon Sung Joo, M.D.1 and Ki Hyuk Park, M.D.2

Departments of 1Surgery and 2Vascular Surgery, School of Medicine, Daegu Catholic University, Daegu, Korea

Correspondence to:Yoon Sung Joo


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to know the changes of sapheno-femoral confluence after great saphenous vein stripping to treat varicose vein.
Method: From June 2007 to April 2008, 117 patients underwent clinical review, preoperative duplex scan and saphenofemoral ligation with great saphenous vein (GSV) stripping to treat varicose vein. We checked the size, reflux and neovascularization by duplex scan at 1 month to 12 months postoperatively (mean time: 223.88±120.99 days).
Result: A cumulative total of 33 saphenofemoral confluences (28 patients, women: 19 patients) were studied. There were no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative saphenofemoral confluences in duplex scan (for example: the size of femoral vein, saphenous vein and sapheno- femoral junction). In preoperative duplex scan, there were 21 reflux positive tributaries. After operation (high ligation and GSV stripping), there were 4 reflux positive tributaries.
Conclusion: There was no change in size of saphenofemoral confluences. There was no evidence of recurrence in reflux tests. We could find neovascularization at sapheno-femoral confluence. But there was no recurrent varicose vein. To know the relation of recurrence with neovascularization, further studies are needed. (J Korean Soc Phlebol 2009;8: 1-4)

Keywords: Varicose vein, Recurrence, Duplex scan

Vol.22 No.1 Jun 30, 2024, pp. 1~8


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